As a family company, we always think long-term and plan for the future. That is why protecting the environment and our natural resources are such crucial corporate goals for EPHYMESS. And because the people who work for us are ultimately our most important resource, occupational safety is part of that. Safety and environment are thus a key focus of our integrated management concept.
As far back as 2009, out environmental management was successfully certified in line with ISO 14001. In our annual environmental analysis, we are constantly looking for further options for improvement – and implementing them decisively. External suggestions and ideas from our staff give us the inspiration we need. After all, we are all committed to protecting resources and the environment, and we work every day as a team to advance this commitment within our company. To do this, we are also treading new paths.
Firstly, we want to use fewer raw materials in production. But residues and waste cannot always be prevented. That is why we are also looking for and trialling new processes for extracting valuable raw materials. And of course, our production processes are checked for resource efficiency in order to keep energy consumption and CO2 emissions low.
In all our processes, we never lose sight of the health and safety of our employees – both through our qualified HSE experts and through optimised rules and processes in the company. And because there is always room for improvement, we value an open climate of transparency, truthfulness and mutual respect. After all, the safety and well-being of our staff mean just that for our company, too.