
Slot thermocouple


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Product properties

  • For installation in the slot of electrical machines
  • Sealed in epoxy intermediate slider housing (ZS)
  • Temperature range -50°C ... +200°C
  • High dielectric strength due to mica insulation
  • Short reaction time


This construction is equivalent to the rigid Pt100 slot resistance thermometer in terms of insulation, dimensions and field of use within the windings of motors, generators and transformers. While the slot resistance thermometer has greater measuring accuracy (± 0.3°C), the slot thermocouple offers shorter reaction times.

The special internal structure with a carrier body made from copper plate for thermal coupling between the surroundings in the measuring point allows temperatures to be recorded across a greater distance (area) than is common for thermocouples in general.

The mica insulation provides sufficient voltage resistance and stability, as required in industrial thermometers of this construction. The thermo line and compensation line are insulated individually and together with glass fibre. To prevent moisture from penetrating the glass fibre insulation, a glass fibre filament tube is pulled across the entire feed up to the comparison point. This also serves as excellent mechanical protection. The slot thermocouple is available in a choice of types K, J or L.


CCCCK Metrologisches Zertifikat KasachstancRUusCT Metrologisches Zertifikat RusslandEXGT Metrologisches Zertifikat für BelarusIECEXInmetro



Declaration of conformity

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